Vеts say that dоgs dо thеsе during thеir final mоmеnts, and it is hеartbrеaking…

Losing a pet can be an immensely traumatic experience, often difficult to handle. Some pet owners find it so emotionally overwhelming that they cannot stay near their pets until the very end. However, veterinarians strongly believe they should. A tweet by Jessi Dietrich on this topic went viral.

She wrote, “I asked my vet what the hardest part of his job was, and he said that when he has to put an animal down, 90% of owners don’t want to be in the room during the injection. The reality that animals usually spend their final moments helplessly looking for their owners shattered my heart.”

In response to Jessi Dietrich’s tweet, Hillcrest Veterinary Hospital in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, shared a similar perspective. Despite the emotional difficulty, the clinic urged pet owners to be with their pets until the very end.

A “weary broken-hearted vet” from the clinic pleaded with pet owners not to abandon their animals when bringing them in for a humane, pain-free end. “I encourage you to stay with them. Do not force them to transition from this world to the next in an unfamiliar room. When you leave, they search for you, something many do not realize,” the clinic’s article stated. Pets seek their loved ones in every face in the room. When they are sick, scared, or old, they don’t understand why you left them. Don’t avoid being with them because it might be too difficult for you.

Melbourne veterinarian Dr. Lauren Bugeja stated that euthanizing older pets at home can be a very tough experience. While people might sometimes be too upset to stay in the room, animals usually feel at ease and peaceful during this time. Dr. Bugeja emphasized that she always takes the time to speak to and console the animals with her nurse to prevent them from experiencing fear or distress in their final moments. She also noted that pets left alone in unfamiliar settings, like a vet office or consultation room, are more likely to feel anxious because they are unsure of their surroundings. “For this reason, if you prefer to do it at a clinic, I would recommend staying in the room with your pet,” Dr. Bugeja advised.

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